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Watt Works Announces New Training Course in Influence and Persuasion Skills

Cheshire, United Kingdom (15 September, 2011)Watt Works Consulting Ltd, a dynamic consulting, training and coaching company that helps individuals and organisations achieve sustainable performance improvement, is pleased to announce that it has added an exciting new course to its suite of personal and professional development trainings, entitled  ‘Influence and Persuasion Skills’.

This course is designed to provide concepts, processes and skills to those who wish to become more adept at getting their voices heard and their ideas considered and accepted within the workplace.  It is clear that some people in the workplace have a greater capacity to convey their thoughts in a compelling manner, generate agreement and engagement, and de-potentiate opposition or conflict.  This stimulating and interactive course will impart many of the skills, tools and attitudes of these effective influencers.

A key feature of the course is the recognition that influence and persuasion is most effectively carried out in an ethical and ecological manner that respects the interests and world-views of those we interact with and works towards obtaining mutually beneficial outcomes, a stark contrast to manipulative approaches.

The course content draws on a number of different approaches and concepts.  A major part of the content is based upon the methods and approaches of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), which offers valuable and empowering approaches for effective communication and relationship-building.

Delegates who integrate and utilise the course content can expect to develop more cooperative working relationships, have a greater awareness of their ability to effectively communicate and influence a broad range of others and notice a reduction in conflict and disagreement.

These new courses, which will be delivered as 2-day training, will be run in the company’s key locations of London, Cheshire and Belfast and will be led by the Watt Works’ Director of Training, Damian Hamill. He commented:

“Many people have noticed that there are those who seem to be able to exert influence and act with great persuasion whilst still maintaining goodwill and healthy relationships with others.  Sometimes they do so with such effortless grace that it is difficult to understand how they achieve what they do.  On this experiential, interactive course we will be looking at many of the subtle patterns used by such effective people and exploring the presuppositions, observational skills and language patterns that effective influencers use.  Whilst these natural ‘experts’ may use these patterns completely intuitively, we can model the patterns they use and teach them to others.  Those who attend this enjoyable 2-day training can expect to develop a range of concepts and tools that can significantly increase their ability to influence and persuade others in an ethical manner.”

For more information on Watt Works and their courses, visit their website at or telephone 01565-759893.

About Watt Works:

Watt Works are a UK based company specialising in a range of consulting, training and coaching services, such as business coaching, management consultancy and management development training. They can help participants improve aspects of their personality which can help them achieve personal and professional dreams. They can deliver courses to organisations or individuals, and are available on an open programme or in-house.

Damian Hamill, Director of Training
Booths Hall,
Chelford Road,
WA16 8GS

Tel: 01565-759893

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