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Feed In Tariff – Green Solutions that Can Earn You Money from Landmark Solar

There are a number of great environmental reasons why you should consider solar energy. However now there are also some great financial reasons to opt for solar panels for your home as well. Combining a Feed in Tariff with Landmark Solar panels can ensure you save money with your green energy.

Solar Solutions

The planets resources are not infinite.  At the rate we are using fossil fuels we could burn through all our valuable energy supplies sooner than we think.  It makes sense to find renewable solutions to powering our homes.  In recent years the many benefits of solar panels have been realised.

  • With modern Landmark Solar panels you can not only use greener energy in your home but you can also save money.
  • A Feed in Tariff can help you to reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint.  You could also actually generate a small income through your Feed in Tariff.
  • This will enable you to put any energy you don’t use back into the national grid.  You will be paid for every kilowatt of power you can feed back into the system.

Feed in Tariff

The Feed in Tariff was first introduced by the government back in 2010.  This is designed to encourage homeowners to install renewable energy resources in their home.  With the Feed in Tariff you will get 41.3p per unit of power you successfully generate.   This can really help to offset your own growing fuel bills.

You will still be connected to the national grid even if you choose solar panels.  This means you can use the solar energy when it is available and then switch automatically to the regular supply at other times.

Landmark Solar

It is important to use a MCS accredited installer of solar PV panels such as Landmark Solar.  We have the skills and experience to make sure your installation runs smoothly and is professionally managed.  Our expert teams have been fully trained in the specialist techniques of installing solar panels.  This will insure your Feed in Tariff starts working for you right from day one.

Landmark Solar can help your home to become more environmentally friendly.  Contact us today to find out more about the benefits of our professionally installed solar panels and automated Feed in Tariff systems.

Author Bio:

With a Feed in Tariff you will be able to make your solar panels a financially viable investment.  Landmark Solar can offer expert installation services for green solutions for your home.


Landmark Solar Ltd,

90 Whitehall Gardens,

Zip: E4 6EJ, London,

United Kingdom,

Tel: 0800 1 700 888

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