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Companies Missing out On the Benefits of Face to Face Marketing

England 21/03/2013 – In today’s digital world, there are signs that some companies are losing sight of the benefits of one to one marketing

Event staffing from Ngage Ltd is still one of the company’s most popular services. The firms that use this service generally understand that interacting face to face with potential customers is still important. They are aware of the fact that even in today’s switched on, digital environment people still appreciate and respond positively to the personal touch.

These companies actively look for chances to interact with their existing as well as potential customers. They attend trade fairs, carry out shopping centre and street marketing and hold events to create buzz when they launch or re-launch products.

However, not all firms are aware the importance of the personal touch. A recent report in Globe and Mail indicated that many companies consider event marketing as old school, so are not using it as a marketing technique. Instead, they are using only online or mobile marketing, relying on their website and SMS messages to catch the attention of potential clients. There is evidence that these marketing techniques produce results, but the fact that consumers are being bombarded with messages through these mediums has reduced their effectiveness. Consumers tend to simply glance at these, or worse, ignore them and get on with their lives. Whereas someone who has the chance to make eye contact and speak to someone face to face about a product or service is much more engaged. They are far more likely to remember and buy that product and service.

Resourcing event marketing
Many of the firms that still use events to market themselves turn to companies like Ngage when they hold an event. They do so for several reasons. For firms being able to hire highly trained marketing staff to be the face of their company for the day is a great option. It ensures that core staff are not taken away from running the business. For small firms being able to hire event staff allows them to market themselves face to face despite only employing a handful of people.

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