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Getting WebApplication Development Right is Important

England 14/2/2013 – Most firms have a website, but not all realise the importance of developing that site and making it as user friendly as possible

When it comes to web application development London is the place to go. The capital is home to a range of firms who offer a full suite of web application development services. This is not surprising when you consider that London is home to over 806,000 registered firms, the majority of whom have a website. Whilst not all of them are complex websites with applications embedded into them a significant proportion of them are, so there is plenty of demand for web application design and development services in the city.

Even relatively small firms need to develop their websites. They need to stand out from the crowd to secure as much business as possible. London based companies are responsible for literally millions of web pages, with most sites consisting of more than one page of data. Being found amongst all these pages is a challenge in itself, so most firms look for a web design and development company who can take care of search engine optimisation. This is a good move because the way a website is built and the content on that site has a big impact on how well it will rank in the search engine results.

Giving consumers what they need

In a city like London there is always more than one firm offering the same services and products. This means that there is always competition. The firm that stands out positively from the rest is the one that will secure the most business. Since the first contact most consumers have with a firm is their website, that site has to form a good first impression. It must look good, quickly explain what is on offer and, most importantly of all, be easy to navigate.

One thing firms cannot afford to get wrong is web application development. London firms need the expertise of a well-established firm like d2i to make sure that their website delivers what consumers need both now and in the future.


D2 Interactive Ltd

70 St Mary Axe

London, UK

Zip: EC3A 8BE

Tel: +44(0)20 3102 4100



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