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Cheap Car Insurance & Legal Cover – Are You Properly Protected?

Cheap car insurance is a priority for many motorists in the UK.

However, for the sake of a few pounds difference a month, some people may be leaving themselves short when it comes to legal cover.

If you’re hurt in an accident that wasn’t your fault, it can be a lengthy and complicated process to fight your claim, for example if you’re unlucky enough to be involved in a multiple vehicle motorway collision.

The Co-operative Insurance urges all UK motorists to look at their car insurance policies to see how much legal cover they have and what’s included.

So what are the main points to consider?

  • Amount of cover

The actual amount of legal cover differs in car insurance policies. If you’ve bought a cheap car insurance policy, you may only have £50,000 worth of cover.

A lot of policies now provide £100,000 of legal cover as standard which is 100% more. Depending on the circumstances you may need more than £50,000 of cover so it’s worth considering paying a little bit extra for more peace of mind.

  • Access to legal advice

Many larger car insurance companies such as The Co-operative Insurance give their customers access to a 24 hour legal helpline.

This can be useful at any time, not just after you’ve had an accident and want some advice. This is one of these things you may think you’ll never need, but if you’ve opted for a very cheap car insurance policy, it will probably not include anything like this which could save you a fortune in the long run.

  • Courtesy car

The idea of a courtesy car as part of your car insurance policy is one that appeals to many people. The trouble with many insurers is they will arrange a courtesy car via a local repair shop, which may not be suitable for you.

Some larger insurers will arrange access to a vehicle the same as yours as part of your legal cover. For example, if you had a people carrier previously and need it for your family, a Ford Ka as a courtesy vehicle is not going to be of much use to you.

The Co-operative Insurance would advise asking about the courtesy car part of any policy so you know exactly what you’re entitled to in the event your car has to be off the road for any length of time.

Author Bio: The Co-operative Insurance provides cheap car insurance quotes to UK residents online and offline.

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