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Engage Mutual Comments on Attitudes to Ageing

Harrogate, United Kingdom (16th August, 2011)Engage Mutual, one of the larger UK mutuals providing simple, value for money savings, protection and investment products, comments on the ageing attitudes of Britons.

Disliking noise in pubs, struggling with technology, and forgetting people’s names are just some of the signs of getting old; it was revealed on 22nd July 2011.

The findings emerged in a study of 2,000 people in Great Britain, which looked at perceptions of age and what people think are the getting old ‘give-aways’.

Failing to recognise any of the songs in the top 10; moving from Radio One to Radio Two; and complaining about what is on television were all highlighted as key ageing indicators by the poll, which was conducted across all adult age groups.

Others included choosing clothes for comfort over style, losing hair, and taking a keen interest in the garden.

The top three signs of ageing highlighted by the poll were: falling asleep in front of the television, feeling stiff, and groaning when you bend down.

Tina Clare at Engage Mutual, which conducted the research said:

“When we looked at what people of all ages thought about ageing, it was interesting to see to what degree it was felt that lifestyle and behaviour indicate ‘old age’. Driving slowly, for example, or struggling with technology.

“While some of the high scoring indicators may be part of the process of getting older, they are not necessarily the sole preserve of the older generation.

“It seems that cultural stereotypes are bound up with our notions of old age.”

There is also a perception that attitudes towards alcohol change as we get older.

Drinking sherry and enjoying being asked for ID when buying alcohol were highlighted in the poll, alongside falling asleep after one glass of wine, knowing your alcohol limit, and choosing to drive rather than drink on a night out.

Some of the physical signs of ageing highlighted include changes in appearance – such as ears, nose and eyebrows becoming more hairy.

A tendency to misplace objects, like glasses or car keys, or generally complain more were others.

Six out of 10 people polled across a range of ages believe they are already exhibiting many of the characteristics which appear on the list.

And a third reckon they felt the signs of ageing between the ages of 21 and 29 – although the majority feel that 60 and above is the age at which people can officially be classed as ‘old’.

Although cultural attitudes might encourage us to make light of ageing, 64 per cent of respondents said they are worried about getting old.

Two thirds of people fear ill health and 64 per cent worry they won’t be able to look after themselves.

Other concerns include losing your memory (62 per cent), having no money (39 per cent) and being lonely (55 per cent).

Although 81 per cent of respondents worry about their own elderly relatives, most admit they find it hard to make time to look after them on top of their busy lives.

Tina Clare continues, “When you’re young you naturally want to live for the moment.

“But as people get into their fifties and sixties, the reality of being older sinks in. Having a support network, good health and the capacity to live a quality older life become more significant.”

Top 20 signs of getting old:
1. Falling asleep in front of the television
2. Feeling stiff
3. Groaning when you bend down
4. Losing your hair
5. Hating noisy pubs
6. Thinking teachers / policemen / doctors look really young
7. Becoming more hairy – ears, face, eyebrows, nose etc.
8. Struggling to use technology
9. Forgetting people’s names
10. Not knowing any songs in the top 10
11. Choosing clothes and shoes for comfort rather than style
12. You start driving very slowly
13. Drinking sherry
14. When you start complaining more about things
15. Joining the Women’s Institute
16. Misplacing your glasses / bag / car keys
17. You talk to colleagues who are so young they don’t know what an opal fruit is
18. Listening to the Archers
19. Moving from Radio One to Radio Two
20. Allowing yourself a mid-afternoon nap
Editor’s notes:

Engage Mutual’s over 50s life cover plan, easy save, junior easy save, protected investment bond are provided by Homeowners Friendly Society Limited (HFSL). HFSL is Registered and Incorporated under the Friendly Societies Act 1992, Registered number 964F.  HFSL is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA), FSA Register number 110072.

Engage Mutual’s child trust fund is provided by Engage Mutual Funds Limited (EMFL), Registered number 3224780.  EMFL is a wholly owned subsidiary of HFSL and Authorised Corporate Director of Engage Mutual Investment Funds ICVC. Engage Mutual Investment Funds ICVC is an investment company with variable capital. Registered in England number IC00044. EMFL is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA), FSA Register number 181487.

Engage Mutual’s health cash plan is provided by Engage Mutual Health (EMH). Registered number 515058 of 14 St Cuthbert’s Street, Bedford, Bedfordsire MK40 3JU. EMH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Engage Health Holdings Limited (EHHL), which is a wholly owned subsidiary of HFSL. EMH is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA). EMH’s FSA Register number is 202311. Engage Mutual Health has offices in Harrogate and Bedford.

You can view our details on the FSA’s register or by contacting the FSA on 0845 606 1234.

Engage Mutual Services Limited (EMSL) is a non-regulated wholly owned subsidiary of HFSL. EMSL is an appointed representative of EMIL. Registered number 3088162.

The following are non-regulated wholly owned subsidiaries of HFSL.; Engage Mutual Administration Limited (EMAL) – Registered number 4301736; Engage Mutual Services Limited (EMSL) – Registered number 3088162; Engage Health Holdings Limited (EHHL) – Registered number 71124.

Engage Mutual Assurance is a trading name of HFSL, EMFL, EMIL, EMH, EHHL, EMAL and EMSL.

About Engage Mutual:

Engage Mutual is one of the larger UK mutuals providing simple, value for money savings, protection and investment products to more than 500,000 customers.  Engage Mutual prides itself on being a family-oriented, modern mutual, providing products that help enable households of all kinds to plan their finances to help meet their future needs. Engage Mutual has been the title sponsor of the Rugby Super League since 2005 and has extended its agreement to 2011. More information on Engage Mutual is available at


Tina Clare
Engage Mutual Assurance
Tel: 01423 855268

Post: Engage Mutual Customer Service Department
Hornbeam Park Avenue



Tel: 0800 169 4321

International tel: +44 1423 855 000


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