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Beach Holiday Deals Still Proving Popular

England 16/11/2012 – As the miserable summer turns into a worse autumn beach holiday deals are being snapped up at an amazing rate

After a very slow start beach holiday deals are being booked up quickly, by UK holidaymakers. For many travel firms 2012 was looking very bleak indeed with very few people booking any kind of holiday. Even more worrying was the fact that the weather in the UK was awful, yet even this was not prompting people to give in and book a week in the sun.

However, at the end of July, things finally started to move. People began to book holidays abroad. When asked why they had waited so long many consumers said that they had been waiting to see how the UK summer actually turned out. Many had finally given up waiting and decided they just had to have at least a few days of sun. Others stated that they had wanted to be in the UK for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and The Olympics, so had left booking their holiday to a later date.

Some in the travel industry believe that the slow start was simply down to the fact that people are increasingly living their lives minute by minute. They tend to do things at the last minute because either they are hoping to get a better deal or because they are not sure they will have enough money to cover the cost of their holiday. There is little doubt that a shortage of money has drastically changed UK consumers holidaying habits.

People are booking the cheaper beach holiday deals

The fact that it is the cheaper deals that are being snapped up first is evidence that people are looking for a bargain. In addition, more UK consumers are booking all-inclusive deals. They are doing so because these holidays represent value money and because it is far easier to keep the holiday budget under control on these holidays.

Firms like Cheap Beach Holidays are benefitting the most from these trends. They are getting more and more holidaymakers visiting their site in search of a spectacular deal. Their team is working hard to keep up with demand scouring the web, travel agents and other sources to bring together all of the best deals into one place.


Cheap Beach Holidays

England, UK

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