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Demand for Rollators is Strong and Growing

England 17/06/2013 – The UK’s aging population is boosting demand for mobility aids including rollators.

With nearly 17% of the UK’s population, or 10 million people, being aged over 65 it comes as no surprise that sales of mobility aids are soaring. Add in the fact that there are 6.9 million UK residents, of working age, registered as disabled and you can see that there is a huge market for disabled living and mobility aids.

Of course, a lot of those aged over 65 are still extremely active and healthy, but at some point most will begin to struggle to get around as well as they once did. Therefore, it is fair to say that the mobility aids market is set to continue to grow.

Naturally, people want to stay in their own homes and lead as independent a life as possible, and they are prepared to change the way they live and invest in anything that helps them to do so. Sales of Simple Life Mobility rollators and other aids that help people to get around have soared in the past few years and look set to continue to do so.

Rollators are especially popular because they are relatively inexpensive to buy, versatile and easy to use. They are relatively new to the UK, so not everyone knows what they are. The best way to describe them is like a zimmer frame or walker with wheels. However, in reality they are much more than that.

The versatility of rollators is driving sales

One of the things that makes them so popular is the fact that the vast majority can be used to carry things as well as a walking aid. In addition, with the brakes engaged they can be used as a seat. The fact that the walking action is much smoother and more natural than an old-fashioned zimmer frame also helps.

Simple Life Mobility has gradually increased their range of walking frames with wheels, or rollators, and plan to continue to do so. Customer feedback shows that these walking aids are practical and easy to learn how to use. As a result, the firm plans to expand their range further.


Simplelife Mobility, Glove House

Stourbridge, West Midlands

Zip: DY8 1UX

Tel: 0800 978 8907



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