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Silicone vs Saline Breast Implant? La Jolla Will Help you Decide

24/04/2012 – If you are thinking about breast augmentation surgery then you will have to debate the silicone vs. saline breast implant question.

The staff at La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery centre can help you to determine whether silicone or saline breast implants would work best for you. The La Jolla centre is home to some of the top cosmetic surgeons in the country. Between them, they have carried out thousands of breast augmentation surgeries and they will be able to help you along every step of the way in your journey to get a better body.

By arranging an appointment with one of their consultants, you can ensure that you get a satisfactory answer to the silicone vs. saline breast implant debate because they will go through every last detail with you and will advise you on the best possible breast implants for your body and for the look you would like to achieve.

The La Jolla centre use only mentor breast implants which they believe do a better job than Allergan, the other breast implant brand which is approved by the FDA. Although they only use Mentor brand breast implants, they do offer both saline and silicone breast implants to their patients, so it is just a matter of you choosing the breast implants which will look best on you and meet your needs best.

The La Jolla team will help you to determine this in their consultations where you are free to touch the implants and even try them on for size. Only when both you and your consultant are completely satisfied that you have made the right choice will surgery go ahead.

About La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre:

La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre is a cosmetic surgery clinic based in San Diego. They make every effort to ensure that visitors to their centre are comfortable and able to make the right decision for them without any pressure.

The centre offers a great deal of privacy and confidentiality to all of its patients, who are also put through a rigorous consultation period to determine if surgery is what they really want and need. The La Jolla staff act ethically and with their patient’s interests at heart at all times.


9850 Genesee Avenue

Suite 130, La Jolla

California, United States

Zip: 92037

Tel: 858.452.1981


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