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Nutricia Offers Alternative for Infants Allergic to Cow’s Milk

Did you know that approximately 2.5% of babies will develop an allergy to cow’s milk?

Milk is the very first food that infants ever consume, so they are at risk of developing a protein allergy to the particular proteins that can be found within cow’s milk. In some cases soy proteins are used for these allergic infants, but often babies will react to soy as well. Soy is also considered dangerous for infants because of concerns regarding the effects of phytoestrogens.

Advanced medical nutrition company Nutricia has developed a special range of baby formula to relieve the symptoms of this allergy in babies as well as help to manage many other disorders of the gut. Nutricia are experts on health and nutrition and this specially designed range of baby formula has been created to give a growing baby all of the vitamins and minerals that it needs to develop properly.

Cow’s Milk Allergies in Children

The symptoms of cow’s milk allergies can develop immediately after eating and can include lip swelling, hives, rashes, redness of the skin, or breathing difficulties. Other symptoms can develop later and can include constipation, eczema, vomiting, diarrhoea and problems with gaining weight. If your child is exhibiting any of these symptoms then it is important to speak to a health care professional and take a close look at their health and nutrition so that you can change their diet.

Neocate Range Relieves Symptoms of Cow’s Milk Allergies

The Neocate Range, developed by Nutricia, can be used to manage cow’s milk allergies in babies as young as 0 months. It is a formula which is 100% amino acid based and is guaranteed to resolve all symptoms within 14 days no matter how severe or complex they are.

This custom designed formula from Nutricia is specially designed by health and nutrition experts to help infants thrive and grow. Your baby will be relieved of all allergy symptoms and will be able to gain the nutrients that he or she needs.

The early years are incredibly important when it comes to building a strong foundation of health. Nutricia can help make sure your baby will be prepared for the future.

Author Bio:

The Neocate Range from Nutricia can help improve the health and nutrition of a child who is exhibiting symptoms of cow’s milk allergy. Speak to your healthcare professional for more information.


White Horse Business Park,

Newmarket Avenue,


Wiltshire, UK,

Zip: BA14 OXQ

Tel: 01225 711677

Website: http://nutricia.co.uk/

E-mail: MediaUK@Nutricia.com

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