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The Structure of the Modern Family Tests UK Law

England 03/06/2013 – The makeup of UK families has changed greatly over the past two decades, causing many changes to society and the way it operates.

Gone are the days when most children were conceived in wedlock and raised by both of their biological parents. Today, children are far more likely to be raised by a single parent, or only one of their biological parents and a stepparent. In addition, more and more people are choosing to start or grow their families through adoption and surrogacy. These changes in family life have provided a lot of work, and some interesting challenges, for specialist legal firms like PinderReaux. Over the decades, they have worked tirelessly to interpret and use both UK and international law to ensure that their clients’ families have proper legal standing regardless of the makeup of their family. They offer specialist legal advice and services in several areas including family law. This law firm has a reputation for taking an innovative approach to their cases, and finding solutions even for unusual or challenging cases.

The UK’s surrogacy laws as an example

Recently, they ran a series of articles that looked specifically at surrogacy. They decided to offer this basic advice because more and more UK couples were seeking advice about becoming parents in this way. The UK’s surrogacy laws are just one example of an area where the regulations are complex and difficult to follow for those who want to grow their family in a different way.

In the UK, surrogacy is legal, however, despite this having a child this way is a legal nightmare. For example, in the UK it is illegal to advertise for a surrogate. People who are willing to be a surrogate can also not advertise this fact. Even clinics cannot advertise for surrogates. This makes it hard to find a person tocarry a surrogate child. However, friends and relatives do offer to be surrogates, and are increasingly doing so. This means that having a child by surrogacy is becoming more common, so more and more people need specialist legal advice about using parental orders or adoption to become the legal guardians of the children they have using surrogacy. The law in this area is being scrutinized and testing far more frequently than it once was, and there are other examples of the way UK families live testing the law to its limits.



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London, UK

Zip: EC3M 5BN

Tel: 020 8252 7373




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