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The Health Benefits of the Right Bed

England 08/03/2013 – Good quality sleep is important for general health, so the bed someone chooses is important

Around one third of people in the UK suffer from sleep problems. The causes of these sleep problems are varied. There are eleven kinds of insomnia, caused by different problems. Fortunately, most forms of insomnia can be cured by making changes to lifestyle, diet or taking medication. However, there is one simple change many people do not consider when trying to cure their insomnia or sleep problems. Simply changing their bed, so that they are more comfortable can be all that is needed to solve manypeoples’ sleep problems. Beds from are not expensive, so it is a quick and easy change that most people can afford to make.

In many cases, the bed itself will not need changing. The problem often lies with the mattress. Most people are sleeping on mattresses that are simply worn out. The wear happens so gradually that people simply do not notice that their mattress is no longer providing them the support that their body needs.

Not only does the right mattress ensure that someone can get to sleep it also protects their back. The right bed is also important for maintaining good circulation whilst sleeping.

Modern mattresses are more comfortable

Even someone who is sleeping on an older mattress that is not worn out can still benefit from replacing their mattress. This is because over the course of the past few years the design of mattresses has got much better. Good quality modern mattresses provide far better support, meaning that the person using the bed is far more comfortable. Someone who is struggling to sleep can really benefit from being more comfortable in bed. A properly supported body is more relaxed, which means that the person is more likely to be able to drift off to sleep.

The team at Bed Street not only sell cheap mattresses – they are also happy to advice customers about which mattress is best for them. Buying the right kind of mattress is just as important as buying a good quality one, so this advice is invaluable.

Unit 3 Parkside Mills
Raymond Street, Bradford,
West Yorkshire, UK
Zip: BD5 8DT
Tel: 01274 962437

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