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Many rural singles can banish their romantic woes thanks to popular UK countryside dating website

England – 10/2/2013 – Lots of pleasant countryside dating can be enjoyed by many rural singles across the country, thanks to long-established countryside dating website ‘’.

Though there are, naturally, many people throughout the UK who are both single and struggling to banish their single status, their romantic woes are often dwarfed by those of singles who live in the UK countryside. For singles who live in cities or towns, meeting new people, including potential lovers, is often straightforward; however, rural singles often struggle to meet many new people at all due to the relatively sparse nature of the populations of the areas where they live. Thankfully, though, such singles can be hugely helped by the countryside dating website ‘’.

‘’ was initially set up in 2007 by a young farmer who hoped to increase the ease of finding love for single farmers all over the country. However, the website has since developed into one intended to encourage countryside dating for a great variety of people who live in and/or love the countryside – not just farmers. And, indeed, a great variety of single rural dwellers could benefit from the wealth of features that ‘’ has to offer.

A great website for encouraging harmonious countryside dating

‘’ welcomes registrations to its website from a great variety of people, including farmers, horse riders, country sports enthusiasts and anyone else interested in countryside dating. The ‘’ website also provides a flexible alternative to expensive dating agencies, as anyone can register to it for free. However, even all of this only begins to hint at the many benefits of the ‘’ website for single rural dwellers.

A ‘’ spokesperson stated: “The ‘’ website provides many features for people interested in using it to arrange plenty of countryside dating. These features include an instant messaging feature, the ability to view and make video profiles online, UK telephone support and thousands of countryside dating singles. All of this should help to encourage plenty of countryside dating and – in the longer term – maybe even some marriages!”

Should a rising number of single country residents and enthusiasts use the World Wide Web (WWW) to search for love, the ‘’ countryside dating website is likely to rise even further in popularity – and, indeed, encourage some marriages.


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