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Bespoke Garden Rooms Solving Family Space Problems

England 19/12/2012 – More families are using bespoke garden rooms to help them to cope with modern life

Until about a decade ago, bespoke garden rooms were only really for the rich. They were not something ordinary families considered having built. Today, more and more ordinary families are realising that they are in fact the solution to many of their space problems.

Up until fairly reason if a family out grew their existing home, they would almost automatically move to a bigger home to give them the extra space they needed. Today, that is not an option for many families. Even those who have the income to pay a bigger mortgage have problems selling the home they are currently living in. As a result, they end up having to make better use of the space available in their current home. Many automatically turn to loft conversions. However, many modern homes already have their lofts converted or have lofts that are not suitable for conversion. In addition, recent changes in building regulations mean that a proper set of separate stairs have to be built with its own landing. This has increased the cost of loft conversions making them less viable.

Bespoke garden rooms fulfil many functions
Luckily, around about the same time firms have come along who are able to build bespoke buildings for installation in gardens. In most cases, these garden rooms do not need planning permission. They can be built extremely quickly and with very little disturbance to the family. Importantly these rooms can be used for many purposes. A family who needs the space for an elderly relative to move in with them can quickly have a granny annex built in their garden. Someone who wants to set up their own business can have an office or workshop set up in their garden. Other uses include gyms, play rooms and chill out rooms.

Swift Org have been building these bespoke garden rooms for decades. Today, they prefabricate each bespoke building in their factory meaning that when it is delivered to site it takes only a few hours to put the building up and begin using it.

The Swift Organisation
Armcon Business Park (Head Office)
London Road South
Poynton, Cheshire, UK
Zip: SK12 1LQ
Tel: 01625 875588

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