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Enjoy Greater Storage And Flexibility With Garage Design From DuraGarages

Northants, UK September 6th 2012 – Garages are meant as a useful and safe place to park the car overnight and while away on holiday. However, the reality is that most people that own their own garage will still park their cars on the roadside or down the drive because it is easier and more convenient. However, the garage can be transformed from an otherwise unused dumping ground into a more beneficial and useful storage space with fitted garage design from DuraGarages.

The key to good storage is to ensure that it is the most appropriate solution on offer. It is possible to find some items that are designed for a very specific purpose, such as tool storage units, but there are also those units that can be used to hold any item that will fit. Using both options means that a great variety of items can be stored in what is a convenient and accessible location.

The biggest benefit of such storage solutions for the garage is how accessible they are. If there is a door between garage and house then this means that it is possible to go between house and garage quickly and easily. Even everyday items can be stored in the new units and storage solutions that you’ve created or had created for you.

DuraGarages first developed the idea of a fitted garage back in 1997 and they continue to offer tailored storage solutions that can convert any garage into a highly beneficial and viable storage room within the house. Products made by DuraGarages are used by some of the biggest names in car manufacture and in various other industries because they offer durability and quality as well as flexibility and convenience.

Dura Limited
St James Road
Brackley, Northants
Zip: NN13 7XY
Tel: 01280 700563
Fax: 01280 700444

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