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Stakeholder Management is the Difference Between Success and Failure

England 13/08/2012- Even for relatively small projects, the quality of stakeholder management is vital

Stakeholder management is notoriously difficult to get right. It involves making sure that every person, or organisation, who contributes towards a project knows what they should be doing and is actually delivering it. Not only do they have to deliver on time they also need to deliver on quality and price. It only takes one organisation or person in the project to have failed to do so for the entire project to fail.

Modern technology has helped a great deal when it comes to stakeholder management. However, for it to work it still needs to be consistently applied and used.

There are some very public examples where poor stakeholder management has nearly been the downfall of an entire project. The failure to properly manage a certain security firm nearly led to security issues at a famous sporting event. Many analysts say that the reason for this was that the security provider was not properly monitored. They were asked to provide progress reports, but do not appear to have been asked for proper proof of that progress. The same was true of their training. Some believe had they had to provide a better level of proof the fact they were struggling to meet their target would have been spotted far sooner.

Stakeholder management is not something that just happens. No matter how good your intentions are if you do not have the right tools to set up proper stakeholder monitoring you will almost certainly fail. As a project progresses and pressure mounts, certain things tend to fall by the wayside. In many cases, it is the stakeholder management ‘can’ that is constantly kicked down the road. Having the right tools to make stakeholder management easy prevents this from happening.

Getting help with stakeholder management

For many years, Qbase Data Services have been developing stakeholder management tools. Today, they offer packages that are suitable for any size or type of business. However, that is not all they offer. Years of experience means that they also offer sound advice on how to apply their tools. They have helped many firms to get this aspect of project management right and deliver their projects on time and to budget.


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