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Cavity Wall Insulation Being Offered Free

England 21/04/2012 – In some parts of the UK free cavity wall insulation is being offered to certain sections of the population

Most people understand how important cavity wall insulation is and many households have had it installed in their homes. They have done so in an effort to save on fuel and make their homes more comfortable. However, sadly not everyone has the ready cash to pay for this particular home improvement. Many people understand that, over the course of several years, cavity wall insulation pays for itself, but simply do not have enough ready cash to pay for it.

Luckily, for some people in this situation there is an answer, some councils and charities are offering to install this kind of insulation on people’s behalf. A good example of this is the Warm Streets scheme that is being run in Somerset, which allows homes in certain categories to have wall and loft insulation installed for free. Fuel bills are being reduced by £20-£30 a month because of better insulation.

More cavity wall insulation being installed in new homes

Since 1980, most new homes built in the UK have had some form of cavity wall installed. However, the quality of the insulation varies from home to home, with the installation installed in many homes during the 1980s not having very good thermal properties. Nowadays, that is changing. The cost of insulation materials have come down and manufacturing procedures have improved making it cost effective for builders to install better quality insulation in the homes that they build. How well insulated a home is important to buyers, which is also moving many builders to install cavity wall insulation that exceeds the quality standards laid out by building regulations in their buildings.

YBS Insulation has been selling insulation in the UK and several other countries for decades and have seen demand rise steadily. The demand is there for all kinds of cavity wall insulation products including insulating blocks, panels, foil, quilting and flexible insulation slabs. They are also seeing demand for cavity closers to prevent leakage from doors and windows growing.


YBS Insulation

The Crags Industrial Park

Morven Street, Creswell

England, United Kingdom

Zip: S80 4AJ

Tel: 0871 91 700 44


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