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Office partitioning systems just got classier

England 15/04/2012 – Office partitioning systems are being used by more firms to make better use of their existing office space

More UK firms are making the decision to stay put when they grow rather than bear the cost of moving to new premises. The wide availability of modern office partitioning systems is helping many firms to so successfully.

Years ago, as your firm grew you had little choice, but to up sticks and move to bigger premises. The way offices were constructed meant that the space was configured a certain way and the cost of changing it was just too expensive, because it meant removing existing wall and building new ones. To some extent, this is still the case, but modern building materials have opened up another path, which more and more firms are choosing to go down.

Office owners are recognising that they need to do more than provide office space that looks good. That space has to be as functional as possible, which means that it has to be a flexible space that can be quickly re-configured to meet the needs of each client.

As a result, more offices in the UK are being laid out as open plan, with partitioning being used in place of traditional walls to divide the space up according to each clients’ individual needs. Partitions are far easier to put up and take down than traditional walls, so are the perfect solution.

Types of office partitioning systems

Years ago if you wanted to partition an office you had little choice, but to build stud and plaster walls or use padded partition stands to do it. Now you can build your partitions out of a wide range of materials. At the moment the most popular material is glass. It looks good and can be soundproofed, so is a very practical solution.

White Space specialise in fitting out offices. They have been in the business for over 20 years and over that time have found that demand for office partitioning systems has grown drastically. They rarely do a job that does not require at least some partitioning and do not expect that trend to change anytime soon.


Nortex Business Centre,

105 Chorley Old Road,

Bolton, England, UK

Zip: BL1 3AS

Tel: 01204 599 800

Fax: 0870 762 1631


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