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Ensuring That All Your Building And Developing Goes To Plan

February 2012 – If you are planning to build on or develop land then it stands to reason that you want to make sure you do everything correctly, safely and ethically. If you are planning to develop on open land such as forests or fields then you also have a responsibility to make sure that you don’t disturb wildlife and their natural habitat.

There are many rare and protected species that live in our countryside and many UK and EU laws which are in place to protect these and keep them safe. In order to progress with a building project and get the planning permission you need you will need to look at carrying out an ecological survey before hand.

There are many things that are covered during an ecological survey which includes looking at the surrounding area to see if it a suitable habitat for rare animals and which trees are growing in the area.

Arbtech offer a professional ecological consultancy service which will look at where you want to build and give you advice on what you can and can’t do with regards to building. It will look fantastic on your planning permission application if you have already been in touch with an ecological consultancy company and have had the whole area surveyed.

There are different types of ecological surveys that you can have carried out, all of which look at the area and what is going to work well or damage habitats and living areas for rare and protected animals. You need to get in touch Arbtech today for help and advice on what the best survey is going to be for you and the area that you want to develop.

For more information contact:

Chester Address

Murlain House, Union Street
Chester, Cheshire, UK

Zip: CH1 1QP

Tel: 08450 176950



London Address:

New Broad Street House,
35 New Broad Street,
London EC2M 1NH

Surrey Address:

Offices with Creepers Design
Rear of 28 Spinney Hill,
Surrey KT15 1AD

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