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Why Designer Bedrooms Are Still So Popular

England – 04/12/2011 The recession has not spelt the end of designer bedrooms

In the current economic climate homeowners are cutting back on many things including how they decorate their homes. However, designer bedrooms are still very much in demand despite the lack of money people have got to spend on their homes.

People are spending more of their time relaxing at home, and more of that relaxation time is being spent in the bedroom. This has led a lot of homeowners to revamp their bedrooms to make them easier to relax in. They are going for bespoke bedrooms with everything they can think of included. In some cases they are having full entertainment systems built in, whilst others are going in the opposite direction and including a home office in theirs.

Designer Bedrooms Are Seen As An Investment

Whilst there is no hard proof that the installation of designer bedrooms increases the value of a property, in to the same degree that a fitted kitchen or designer bathroom does, many homeowners still see them as an investment. In a way they are right, because designer bedrooms certainly make the best use of the space available. Well designed bedrooms look spacious and airy. If you are trying to sell your home this certainly makes it more attractive to potential buyers. Not only are potential buyers drawn to a house because it is attractive it also means that they will have to do less work to it when they move in.

Star Plan Bedrooms, the UK’s largest bed and bedroom furniture manufacturer, makes both stand alone and fitted bedroom furniture, so are in the perfect position to understand the way in which UK homeowners decorate their bedrooms. Sales of fitted and designer bedrooms have remained steady and Star Plan expects this trend to continue. A flat housing market means that a lot of people will remain in their current homes and will invest in redecorating to make those homes more comfortable for them and their specific needs. Designer bedrooms are certainly going to be a strong feature of this kind or home remodelling.


Starplan Furniture

173 Killyman Road


United Kingdom

Zip: BT71 6LN

Tel: 0800 652 5395

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