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A Quick Guide to Reducing Your Pet Costs

The costs involved in keeping a pet can vary considerable depending on breed, appetite, pet insurance premiums and age.

Unfortunately, many animals are abandoned by their owners each year, and in these tougher economic times, having a pet is a luxury many people can sadly no longer afford.

The good news is there are ways you can reduce the cost of keeping a pet or pets and you’ll find some of these highlighted below.

  • Pet insurance

If you don’t have any pet insurance at the moment, you may be thinking “how can it help me reduce costs?” The answer is that by having cat or dog insurance in place you can guard against an expensive vet bill. Having pet insurance could mean the difference between being able to afford to have your pet treated and getting it put down. Many pet insurance policies start at under £5 per month which is only £60 per year.

  • Food

You can get good discounts on cat and dog food if you buy online rather than purchasing it in small quantities from local shops or supermarkets. You may also want to get a membership for a local cash and carry to see if you can make big savings on your pet food.

Depending on how much your pet eats, any saving could add up over the year, even if the difference in price is just a few pence per tin of food.

  • Exercise

Whether you have pet insurance or not, a good way to keep your cat or dog fit and healthy is to make sure they get regular exercise. This can reduce the number of visits you have to make to the vet and medication you have to buy.

Even if you have pet insurance, it’s worth bearing in mind that not every single condition and treatment may be covered, and anyway it’s best for your pet to enjoy an active lifestyle.


Author Bio: The Co-operative Insurance has two levels of pet insurance cover. You can compare their policies for dog and cat insurance online.

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