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International Development Jobs Set To Grow Despite The Global Recession

England – 30/09/2011– More international development jobs become available as organisations seek out new markets and opportunities.

The global recession is already beginning to have a substantial impact on the global jobs market. Most of those changes were foreseen and have unfortunately been largely negative. However, not all of the changes brought about by the global recession have been negative. An example of this is the high levels of international development jobs there are being advertised, nowadays.

More and more companies are looking to other parts of the globe for new clients as their own home markets dry up. They are taking the quickest path to these new customers by hiring international business development managers to identify these new markets and the strategy needed to enter them at the lowest cost possible.

This is not really surprising, but what is surprising is the number of charities and voluntary sector organizations who have international development jobs available.

Charities Provide More International Development Jobs

The fact that funds have become tighter, but demand for their services has s has meant that many charities are struggling. They are constantly trying to achieve more with less and the only way to do that is to be more innovative in the way that they do things. In particular, with the way they raise and use their funds. That is why most of the international development jobs advertised by international charities are connected to either raising funds more effectively or using those funds better.

It is mostly large international charities, who are recruiting international development personnel. However, some new charities that operate in the international arena are doing the same in an effort to make sure that the work they do is done as efficiently as possible right from the start. They are also looking for ways to achieve more than one objective with the same resources, for example bringing solar electric to a village at the same time as solving that village’s water problems.

The majority of the international development jobs charities have are advertised by job agencies like Third Sector Jobs that specialise in recruiting for the voluntary or charity sectors.


Third Sector Jobs

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England, United Kingdom

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