March 6, 2025
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Every week in FE News

Who are we?

FE News is a specialist news site for the sector, in every FE week we provide our support to help build the further education division. Our content is free to view, we are a ‘green’ news provider because we don’t produce a paper-based publication that uses up precious resources. Even our job advertising site is free to view the latest job vacancies (we have more than 1200 job vacancies live per day and more than 700,000 job seeker user sessions per month). Between FE News and FE Careers we have well over a million page views per month, every month.

Our ethos.

We work to a strong belief that all of our news should be fair and sector building. Our aim is to unite the sector to enable us to all work more effectively together to provide greater opportunities for learners. This is no mean task because the Further Education sector is so vast, College, Training Providers, Welfare to Work, Employability, Awarding Bodies, Funding Agencies, Apprenticeships, Prison Education, ESOL, Adult Learning / Education – the list can go on and on. We provide an insight into the latest developments across the sector.

What type of content do we publish every week?

We have a range of news styles for you to enjoy from column writers who are subject matter specialists across the sector, video interviews with speakers from conferences and events.

Every FE week we feature specialist column writers who are experts in their respective areas of Further Education. The columnists are experts in their field and set the policy for the sector. Every week FE News column writers provide an insight into the latest policy developments so you can keep your finger right on the pulse. Our column writers include: John Hayes (FE and Skills Minister) , Geoff Russell (Skills Funding Agency CEO), Toni Fazaeli (IfL CEO), Lynne Sedgmore (157 Group of Colleges), Rob Wye (LSIS CEO), Simon Waugh (National Apprenticeship Service CEO) and Seb Schmoller (ALT CEO) to name but a few.

To find out more, please check our website at –



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