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More Young Drivers Caught Drink Driving

In August 2011, the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) revealed disturbing figures regarding young drivers and drink driving.

Of the 5,373 people who tested positive for driving with alcohol in their system in July 2011, it was found that 7.4% were young drivers aged under 25.*

The overall percentage of people caught drink driving or refusing to be tested had risen from 5.6% in July 2010 to 6% in July 2011.*

The Co-operative Insurance has stated some of the main facts about drink driving that all new and young drivers should know.

  • Penalties

Depending on the seriousness of your drink driving offence you could face a fine and points on your licence, a driving ban or even a prison sentence.

Many young drivers take a risk by driving when they’ve had one or more drinks. It’s important you understand the consequences of your actions. For example, if you kill someone as a result of drink driving you could face a prison sentence of up to 14 years; a high price to pay for having a few drinks with your friends.

  • Limits

The drink drive limits in the UK are clearly laid out for drivers of all ages. However, what isn’t so clear is how much any person can drink before they go over the limit.

People have different tolerance levels to alcohol depending on age, weight, illness and of course the type of alcohol being drunk.

The Co-operative Insurance advises the safest way for new drivers to avoid being over the limit is to never drink any alcohol before driving and allow plenty of recovery time if you plan to drive the morning after a night out.

The official UK drink driving limits are as follows.

35 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood or 107 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of urine.

  • Responsibilities

As a new driver you have a lot of responsibilities not only for your own safety but for your passengers and other road users.

Driving on the UK’s roads can be challenging enough without being under the influence of alcohol. If you cause a road accident as a result of being drunk behind the wheel, not only could you face prison, a driving ban and a large fine, you may also be sued by the victim or their family.

The Co-operative Insurance also states your new driver car insurance premiums will rise significantly if you’re found guilty of a drink driving offence.


Author Bio: The Co-operative Insurance provides competitive insurance for young drivers. New driver car insurance policies can be arranged over the phone or online.

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