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Cheap Cat Insurance – Common Eligibility Criteria

When it comes to finding cheap cat insurance there are a number of eligibility criteria that most pet insurance companies insist on before proceeding with a quote.

If your cat doesn’t meet all of these, then the likelihood is you will have to pay for any medical care and vet bills out of your own pocket.


The age of your cat has a bearing on whether or not you can get pet insurance. The majority of insurers won’t even quote if your cat is still a kitten and under 6 weeks old.

You will experience similar problems if your cat is getting older with most insurers not providing quotes for any pets that are over 10 years of age.


When you come to look for cat insurance you’ll need to be honest about where your cat is kept. For example, if you live in the UK six months of the year and in France the other six months, you may not be able to get a cat insurance quote from every provider.

Underlying conditions

You may also not be quoted for a cat insurance policy if your pet has any underlying health conditions. Some insurers will exclude these from your policy, but depending on the condition and related symptoms it may cause, you may be refused cat insurance altogether.

Pets only

While it may not be as common as it used to, some cats are still used as working cats to keep the population of rats and mice to a minimum.

If you have a working cat you want to insure, a pet insurance policy won’t be suitable and the cat should be insured (if necessary) as part of your business insurance.

Alternatives to cat insurance

If you’re not able to get cat insurance for your pet for any reason, there are some alternatives you may wish to consider in order to prepare yourself for any large vet bills that may arise.

For example, you could invest some money into a cash ISA every month instead or use it to buy premium bonds you can cash in at a later date.

Not being able to get cat insurance is an inconvenience but if your cat does stay fit and healthy into old age, you’ll have saved some money.

The problem is of course, nobody knows when a cat might get injured or ill so it’s always better to get cat insurance if you meet the criteria above.


Author Bio:

The Co-operative Insurance provides UK pet owners with quotes for cat and dog insurance

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