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Watt Works – Learning The Magic of Communication with New Cutting-Edge NLP Courses

Cheshire, United Kingdom (19 November 2010) – Watt Works Consulting Ltd, a professional business coaching, consulting, training and coaching company, is pleased to announce the launch of a couple of cutting-edge training courses based upon applying concepts from Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) to the business, personal and professional development sectors.

The company, based at Booths Hall in Cheshire, will offer the courses at both its impressive Cheshire location and also at its new London training venue, the premises of the Royal College of Pathologists in Westminster. Both of these locations provide elegant, fully-equipped training facilities for the delivery of these quality training courses, imaginatively named ‘Meta Model Magic’ and ‘Milton Model Magic’.

The Meta Model and the Milton Model offer some of the most flexible language patterns available for inter-personal communication.  The Meta Model offers a range of powerful questioning skills to elicit high-quality information and reduce the likelihood of miscommunication in verbal interactions.  The skills of the Meta Model were modelled by NLP’s originators from some of the most effective change agents of the time.

The Milton Model is a different yet complimentary set of language patterns that have the ability to stimulate creativity and solution generation and facilitate inclusion and agreement between parties.  This set of verbal principles and skills developed from an in depth study of the work of the legendary therapist, Dr Milton H. Erickson.

Both of these sets of language patterns are a standard part of NLP Practitioner Training courses.  Watt Works Consulting will be delivering the skills independently of the full Practitioner material to enable their rapid acquisition by delegates who may not wish to undertake a full Practitioner course.  Those who have completed more extensive NLP training in the past may, however, find these courses ideal as a refresher of their existing skills in these areas.  Each course runs over two days and they will be delivered by Watt Works Consulting’s Director of Training, Damian Hamill, a certified NLP Trainer and member of the Professional Guild of NLP.

Damian Hamill commented: “We all use language in just about every context of our lives, yet rarely stop to think how effectively we do so.  These powerful and flexible models from NLP deliver practical skills and strategies to make our communication as effective as possible. In combination, the patterns of the Meta and Milton Models enable maximum clarity of understanding of information being conveyed and optimise the likelihood of our ideas being heard and accepted.  These courses are ideal for those who routinely communicate with others in any capacity – managers, team leaders, coaches, sales people, therapists, HR professionals and negotiators to name but a few.”

For further information about Watt Works Consulting and details of these courses to be run in 2010 and spring of 2011 please visit:

Damian Hamill,

Director of Training

Booths Hall,

Chelford Road,



WA16 8GS

Tel: 01565-759893

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