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Innovate CV Stress Importance Of Diversity In The Workplace

London, United Kingdom (July 05, 2010)Innovate CV, London-based specialists who offer innovative and dynamic recruitment processes to their clients, comment on how crucial it is for a workforce to be as diverse as possible to help drive it forward.

Experts at creating powerful online CVs, Innovate CV are well qualified to talk about the recruitment process and comment on the next stages of recruitment evolution. They are currently highlighting academic research which shows a diverse workforce with contrasting ideas is much better suited for business growth than a workface of like-minded individuals who have been hired to ‘fit in’ to the company easily.

Many companies are seemingly hiring employees because, while they may have a good CV, they also conform to the ‘thinking’ of the company and the working practices of its CEO. Innovate CV point out that current research shows an average group of employees who are diverse in their thinking will effectively outperform a homogeneous group of highly-intelligent employees who won’t ‘rock the boat’.

“The research isn’t recommending you hire a crowd of anarchists who will rebel every decision. What it does say however is that you should hire people with fresh ideas who can contribute positively to the company to aid its growth,” commented Daniel Lyons, Managing Director of Innovate CV. “There is a danger that if you employ similar people during the recruitment process that the company will become stuck in a rut and not respond to the ever-evolving needs of its customer base. Diverse characters can bring challenging thoughts and conceptions to the table, fuelling long-term company growth and helping contribute to the ever-changing face of UK business.”

To find out more about Innovate CV and their services, visit their website at http://www.innovatecv.com/ or telephone 0845 460 4613 during office hours.

About Innovate CV:

Aiming to turn the recruitment world on its head through unique, innovative measures, Innovate CV is looking to make the creating, editing, distributing and tracking of a CV as simple and as effective as possible. Masters in helping to create agood CV , they can help a client stand out from the competition by crafting a powerful CV for recruiters, agencies and employers. Offering dynamic results, Innovate CV is affordable and can help to save time during the recruitment process.

1 Torriano Mews,

Tel: 0845 460 4613
Email: info@innovatecv.com

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