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Car Repair Franchisers Evolve

England 29/07/2013 – More and more consumers, in the UK, are using car repair franchises rather than garages, and are doing so because of the way car repair franchisers have changed their business model.

When companies like first came up with the idea of offering people the opportunity to have their car’s bodywork repaired at home or in their workplace, many felt that it was step too far. They felt that the people simply would not have the confidence to use a mechanic that came to the house and worked from the van.

Some experts in the car repair industry also believed that most mechanics would rather run out of physical location. At first, it looked like their predictions were going to be fulfilled. Things started slowly and there were problems with the business model. However, over the years, things have changed and today repairs by franchisers represent a significant percentage of the car repair market.

Car repair franchisers made full use of new technology and took advantage of changes to the way in which people live their life to solve the issues and grow. They provided their personnel with top end equipment to speed up the job and make it easier to get good results. In addition, they began to advertise their services with the emphasis being on convenience and speed. Today’s modern consumers are particularly attracted to a service, which fits around them rather than the other way round. The franchisers also adapted to the changing needs and tastes of modern consumers. Today, they even provide services such bodywork repairs that are available even in remote rural areas.

Independent mechanics benefit from the low overheads of a mobile service

The lower running costs of a mobile service have allowed many mechanics to branch out and set up their own business. There is no need to pay expensive rent and the best franchisers make sure they get ongoing training to keep their skills up to date. For franchise companies like Revive! UK who provide mobile bodywork repairs, the future is bright, demand for their services is growing and more and more talented franchisees are stepping forward and getting involved.

Revive! Head Office
Suite 2, Bernhard Court
188 Bilton Road, Rugby
Warwickshire, UK
Zip: CV22 7DT
Tel: 01788 522214

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