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Living With Wolves Announces Dog Agility Training Demo Weekend

Living with Wolves the Surrey based Dog Training Company has announced that it will be deminstrating dog agility training during a two day open clinic to address ‘Doggy Dilemmas’ at Secretts Garden Centre Godalming, Surrey

Dog agility is becoming increasingly popular with agility competitions now featuring at most dog shows, many country shows and Cruff’s dog agility competition even being televised. The weekend event on Saturday 20th April and Sunday 21st April will showcase Controlled Agility for dogs.

Training a dog for agility is different from normal behavioural dog training as the dog must obey a series of commands in very quick succession. David Egan, head of Living with Wolves dog training will be demonstrating the skills and training needed with his own dogs. There will also be the opportunity for dog owners to have some training on the day to put their own dogs through their paces on the agility course! For advanced information on the dog agility training and to sign up for a taster session go to the Living With Wolves dog agility training page

David Egan, head of Living with Wolves and qualified dog behaviouralist said of the dog agility weekend –

“Dog agility is getting very popular but many people don’t know how to get started, or whether their dogs or themselves will enjoy it. The taster sessions over this weekend lets them find out if they enjoy doing it ,as I can guarantee that their dogs will enjoy agility training! We are going to be putting on a range of demonstrations from very basic skills training to controlled agility so there is something for everyone and their dogs.”

Secretts Garden Centre is ideally situated for people in Surrey and further afield to be able to attend as it is close to the A3 Portsmouth – London trunk road. Living With Wolves provides dog training of all levels across Surrey, Hampshire and Sussex and some existing clients will be participating in the demonstrations.

About Living with Wolves Dog Training:
Living with Wolves was established by David Egan, highly qualified canine behaviouralist and dog trainer. The training we offer is founded on science not myth, is reward based and fair. We tailor dog training to the individual needs of the owner and treat dogs as the individuals they are. After all, what may motivate one dog will not necessarily motivate another. Dogs also need to know where the boundaries lie just as we do and learn to live within them just as we have to. Our dog training not only covers all of Surrey, but also the counties of Hampshire, West & East Sussex. For specialist dog training we cover the whole of the South of England. To learn more Contact Us by phone on 01428 658498 or email